The C & M A Riviera Gardens Elderly Learning Centre was sponsored by the Community Chest to operate REST Carer Centre for 2 years in order to provide a one-stop full-service hub for carers of the elderly. Through carer-focused services, the centre provides assistance to carers who provide care to elderlies requiring different levels of care. Services offered include respite care, helping the elderly to strengthen their own self-healing ability, and helping them to learn how to manage their own health and to practice a balanced and healthy lifestyle. The centre also established a mutual assistance network for the carers so that they can draw on the resources in the community.
Project Objectives
* Provide holistic and carer-based services to carers of elderlies.
* Provide transportation escort and respite care at the centre or at home so as to afford the carers room to rest and be restored.
* Provide comprehensive assessment for carers, assist them to plan for their life as a carer and encourage them to understand
their own needs and the importance of holistic wellbeing.
* Provide assistance to carers through a team of professionals.
* Establishment of a platform for mutual assistance and for sharing of elderly care information and resources.
* Establishment of a “Rest and Care” Volunteer Team.
Special Service for Carer
Items | Services | Brief information | Webpage links |
1 | 香港護老者活動 |
香港社會服務聯會設立之Facebook 護老者活動資訊平台 | Facebook 專頁:香港護老者活動資訊平台 |
2 | 大銀 Big Silver | 關注人口高齡化,支援 照顧者的社群組織。 |
Facebook 專頁 |
3 | 明愛賽馬會照 顧者資源及支 援中心
| 提供日常生活支援、 情緒支援及社交支援服務
| |
4 | 周佩芳認知障 礙預防研究中心 | 認知障礙症知識及 服務資訊網頁 |
5 | 耆智園服退化 照顧者支援 服務 | 照顧者支援平台、 照顧技巧分享 |
6 | 全城認知障礙 大行動 |
社會福利署為加強對認 知障症患者及護老者支 援而設立的網頁。
| |
7 | 風起航 | 中風實用手冊 |
8 | 聖雅各福群會 「656 照顧者 好幫搜」 | 全港18區安老資源地圖, 護老資訊平台 | |
9 | 紓緩治療 | 服務內容、申請資格及方法 |
10 | 預設醫療指示 | 簡介、考慮點、如何應用 及跟進處理 | |
11 | 護老者天地 |
衛生署長者健康服務網站 之護老者天地
| |
12 | 圓滿人生服務 |
| |
13 | 賽馬會「a家」 樂齡科技教育 及租賃服務中心 |
為長者和照顧者提供 樂齡科技應用的資訊、 個人諮詢、指導和訓練, 從而減輕照顧者的壓力。
| |
Community Carers Services
Items | Services | Brief information | Webpage links |
1 | 惠澤社區藥房 |
遙距藥劑師諮詢服務、藥物 資助計劃、電提服藥服務 等訊平台 | |
2 | 平安鐘 |
申請內容、資格和方法,以及 平安手機及隨身寶等服務 | |
3 |
易達巴士 |
申請內容、資格和方法 | |
4 |
關愛牙科 |
申請內容、資格和方法 |
5 |
盛饌膳食服務 |
服務內容及購買方法 |
6 |
愛心小巴 |
服務內容、申請資格及方法 |
7 |
非緊急救護車 載送服務 |
服務內容、申請資格及方法 |
8 |
長青網 |
長青網護老資訊: 網上照顧者 資訊分享 | |
Health Services and information
Items | Services | Brief information | Webpage links |
1 | 陪我講Shall we talk |
「陪我講」計劃是精神健康 諮詢委員會自2020年7月起 推行的精神健康推廣和公眾 教育計劃。 | |
2 | 信仰/心靈分享 |
來歇一歇 | |
3 | 長者健康晚年及 健康資訊 |
衛生署長者健康服務網站 |